With a few days off last week spent a few days in the east anglia region first stop was a visit to Lackford Lakes my first visit to this site though won't be my last.
Even before i got to the reserve was quite productive as I drove down the country lanes quite a few Red-legged Partridges and Pheasants where showing well along with a few Brown hares as well.
Red-legged Partridge in one of the field |
Started off well from the reserve centre with a singing Willow Warbler welcoming me as i got out the car. Walked around where I had plenty of warblers singing mainly Blackcaps and Chiff-chaffs with a few Sedge Warblers and Cetti's Warblers in song.
Singing Willow Warbler |
Blacap in the treetops |
Then came to the woodland where i heard the sound of a pair of Marsh Tits forging in the wood which I then found out why as people had been placing food on a nearby log where a selection of birds where coming down to feed with Nuthatch, Blue Tits, Great Tits and Chaffinches some of the birds using it as well as a Treecreeper and Song Thrush nearby.
Feeding Marsh Tit |
Great Tit |
Dunnock |
Then walked along to the second lake where a came across a Muntjac Deer having a good feed. On the second lake a few Swallows where around and four Oystercatchers overhead and Great Crested Grebes were out on the lake bonding and feeding with a few Teal still around.
Muntjac Deer |