With a certain bird (Siberian Accentor) at Essington headed up there at the weekend as had a free day. Once at the wardened car park had a nice walk to the viewing area with good numbers of Goldcrests around with a few odd firecrest which I had one good view of and the first of a few failed attempts to see a Yellow-browed Warbler and good numbers of Redwings and Fieldfare over all the time.
One of many Goldcrests |
Then got to the garden where the Siberian Accentor was showing well with its distinctively marking but at a little distance to start off with feeding with a few Robins and two nice looking Bramblings. It then came a bit close allowing some nice views before heading back into the hedge.
Siberian Accentor |
After a little while decided to came back later when the light would be better so headed off to Kilnsea for a bit where there were a few warblers where in the church area had a couple of Pallas Warblers, some beautiful Siskins, Yellowhammers, 23 flyover White Fronted Geese and a flyover Woodcock a real star bird for me.
Female Siskin |
Fly over White Fronted Gooses |
Then after lunch headed back to Essington where a nice male Redstart was putting on a nice show in the village
Redstart in the field |
Then headed the day with the Siberian Accentor (and another Redstart) as the Accentor was making its way down a scubby track so was not giving views as good as in the moring but it did pop up on to the metal fencing to show well briefly.
Accentor on the Fence post |