Near my work the small but nice nature reserve of the watercress beds was quite produtive over the winter period with a healthy flock of Finches mainly Siskin which are heading north now but only had 1 Redpoll over the winter period this year.
Posing MaleSiskin |
Redpoll in the alder |
Also this year will the cutting of willow trees near our central pond the usually wintering water rail has been alot easily to see.
Feeding Waterail |
As the winter turns to early spring the wrens start to get more vocally and I had a few sightings of the Little egret and a first for me with a pair of Grey Wagtails seen in the stream rather than just fly over.
Singing Wren |
Grey wagtail along the stream |
And finally one of the Stock Doves near the new feeder area where I had had 3 Sparrowhawks fly over in February calling.
Stock Dove in the grass |
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